In 1985, PWC Message Center began taking calls for 30 clients. It all started with a few telephones, notepads, and three operators. We have now grown to a paperless telephone system employing 15 operators and servicing 400 clients in over eight states.
PWC Message Center is proud to say that 95% of our new clients have joined us based on a referral from a current client!!
Our goal has stayed the same over the years, to “Provide a live & professional answering service for our clients.”
PWC Message Center is always striving to better provide for our clients. With that in mind, we keep up with the latest technology upgrades, processes, and industry affiliations.
We are members of State & National Tele-Service Associations:
ATSI (Association of Teleservices International)
STA (Southern Telemessaging Association)
NAEO (National AmTelco Equipment Owners)
Comply with the Code of Ethics of ATSI and STA
Member of Better Business Bureau (BBB) with A+ Rating
Our commitment to our clients extends into the ongoing training of our employees. In addition, we have the appropriate insurance coverage; it's just good business.
To ensure we are always available for you, we have invested heavily in equipment, phone support, and ongoing system maintenance.
Contact us today to learn more!